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Saturday, May 31, 2008

A couple of days of joy

The last couple of days have been nice. My son is in town for a couple of weeks. He is such a remarkable young man - smart, kind, loving, sweet, and good-looking. He received very good marks in school and excellent grades on his proficiency exam. My youngest had her class awards yesterday, where she received several awards - honor roll, citizenship, outstanding attendance, a couple of reading awards, and a Tungsten award (a state proficiency test). Today we attended her girl scout award picnic where she receive some more awards. Afterwards, we went to the U-City Loop (which I have thought for the past three years was the Youth City Loop. Silly me.) That is such a neat place. A friend had a concert at Cicero's that was energetic and enjoyable. They are a local rock band with a fantastic sound. Check them out www.revelationseven.com or www.myspace.com/revelationseven. Then my husband, daughter, and I walked around visiting the eclectic shops, visited Fitz Rootbeer, and Bubble Tea. We were like tourists in our own town.

Until later,

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Health & Wellness Blog

I started another blog that will be dedicated to Health and Wellness issues. You should check it out if you are at all interested in things like that. I am anxious to get feedback on that site. I will keep this one more for other things.

Check it out at www.herbalifeflorissant.blogspot.com.

Until next time!!

My First Post on the new blog

This is my very first post on the new blog. Please check back often for more information. I hope to post information about my activities, other blogs, websites of interest, and current events. Your enjoyment is my goal. Please feel free to leave comments.

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