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Monday, February 16, 2009

tweeter Getter

Hey check this out...
I just found this site that shows you away of getting 1000's of new followerson twitter, I just started using itmyself and its starting to workalready.
Thought it might interest you.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Upromise - Education Savings

Upromise.com is a great site for parents and grandparents to help earn rewards towards education for sponsored retailers and restaurants without even changing your buying habits. If you are a parent or grandparent I encourage you to register for the site. I don't think there is a referral program, but feel free to put me as a reference.

If you are not a parent or grandparent or if you just want to help support my children, Upromise has created a special link that will allow you to shop online and my account will earn the rewards for my children's education. My Personal Upromise Guest Shopper Link is http://www.upromise.com/guest/2102599251 .

Thanks and Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Terrific deal on Designer Products

Great site with terrific deals. I have no business relationship with them, but thought I would pass on. It is a members only site, but costs nothing to register. Click this link for your personal invite -- www.ideeli.com/invite/lshaw1983.

What is ideeli? (reprinted from their site)

ideeli offers privileged access to the most sought-after fashion, home and beauty products, but that's not all. ideeli members also enjoy privileged access to luxury lifestyle experiences such as fashion shows and sold-out concerts. ideeli makes sure its members aren't "all dressed up with nowhere to go!"

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn...

Check me out on www.twitter.com/lshaw83 or www.twitter.com/lightinggal and on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ search Linda Shaw St Louis. Also http://www.linkedin.com/in/lindalshaw. http://www.zabitatz.com/ and www.ecademy.com and www.divawithin.com.

Send me a contact request now! :-)


Geek Mommy's Weblife Contest

One of my twitter followers/followees is having a contest on her blog to win a trip to Sea World, and I would love to win. I have posted a comment on her blog, tweeted "I want to go to SeaWorld @GeekMommy I’ve got #mantamania because my kids (21, 17, 9) will have 3 different experiences. http://bit.ly/gmswc" and now posting this. It is that simple. Now why do I want to go? Well, here is my response:

I would love to be able to take my family to Sea World. It is one place I have always wanted to take them and have never been able to do so. Please consider me and my 3 children. My son graduates high school in the spring and then will head immediately off to Air Force basic training. I would love to have this as something we can do as a family before he goes. My oldest is 21 and will soon leave the nest as well. My 9 year old will get the biggest kick out of it. Best of all on your end, I can blog about it and have a perspective from 4 different age groups.

If you enter, good luck -- although I do hope I have better luck. ;-)

Please feel free to check out my other sites:


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