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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Update on Prayer Request from Yesterday

I am in tears right now. This is incredible!



First of all....THANK YOU so much to ALL of you for your prayers and positive thoughts over the past couple days. Today is actually my day off...but I did just call to check in on the patient I spoke of the other day to see how things were going. Yesterday was a great day for her in the fact that all of the medications they were using to help her keep a blood pressure were able to be weaned off. She remained sedated and ventilated and the waiting game had begun to see when it was safe to evaluate how mentally and physically intact she would be after all that she had been through. There was high level of concern of what would be neurologically intact and left of her mentally after all that had happened. I found out yesterday that when they had coded her it lasted for 1 1/2 hours. Everyone has been very anxious to see what a cat scan could reveal as to what level of brain damage could have occured, but she has not been medically stable enough to leave the unit for the test. So...today....at the bedside they did a neuro exam to see if some sort of baseline could be established. Basically they weaned off sedation and in a very short amount of time she started to wake up, she opened her eyes and followed some very basic commands (blinking, subtle movements to commands, looking around). WOW....I was not there to see it....but from what I hear even some of the staff who rarely if ever show emotion were brought to tears!! I was ELATED to say the least to hear this news. The coming days will give a more definitive picture of the future for this woman. I hope to God next week when I go back to work I can go see her and see her surrounded by her 3 little babies and her husband and tell her how many people were pulling and praying for her!! I'll let you know!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Prayer Request - New Mother of Triplets

Please read this message from a friend at work and pass on... this woman needs our prayers and I believe that all things are possible through prayer.

This is from one of my best girlfriend who is an RN at MoBap. Pass this along…..we need prayers for this mom!

Of course it especially gets me since I am a triplet (2 girls and one boy).



Hi girls...

Hard to believe but I have been in this nursing career of mine for 10 years now....crazy how time flies....and even crazier when a scenario that you encounter somehow just stops you in your tracks and makes you want to live your ULTIMATE best life!! Yesterday an overhead Code Blue was called (very common to me...not as adrenaline rushing as it used to be....unless I'm in on the action) until the location is announced as Labor and Delivery. There was a 38 year old woman who delivered triplets. Waited and tried and finally resorted to in vitro fertilization and carried her babies to 32 weeks. Not at all unusual that she delivered early...and as a matter of fact 2 baby girls and 1 baby boy were born to her 6/15/09....the 3 of them are doing GREAT!! This poor woman in her immediate post op period while her MD was closing her up developed an extremely rare condition called an Amniotic Fluid Embolism. This is so rare (approx 1 in 20,000 live births). She had a seizure and went into full blown cardiac arrest. This new mom of 3 now lies in Intensive Care at MoBap fighting for her life like nooone I have ever seen. She has every medical technology available somehow at work on her at the highest possible levels and she is barely hanging on. 2 RN's for this 1 patient....something else I have never seen....1 on 1 care is common but 2 to 1 Never. I don't believe this has anything to do with the fact that I am pregnant....This case presentation would have GOTTEN me nomatter what. I am just asking you guys to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PRAY for this woman to LIVE!! She never got to hold those babies...just a glimpse of each one held up over a curtain was all. These babies need a Mommy....this husband needs a wife and a mom to these babies....and this woman deserves to know what it's like to LOVE only like a MOM can. This has been ALL consuming to me...I cannot stop thinking about the magnitude of how tragic this is. I was not the RN assigned to take care of this woman...but was in the room several times to help....I have never felt so emotionally overwhelmed in a patient room and I have been in alot of them!! I know I could count on you girls for your support and prayers for this woman I will call DG!! I think telling the story has been therapeutic for me as well!! I just cannot grasp it!! THANKS GIRLS...YOUR THE BEST!! LOVE YOU ALL!!


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