First of all....THANK YOU so much to ALL of you for your prayers and positive thoughts over the past couple days. Today is actually my day off...but I did just call to check in on the patient I spoke of the other day to see how things were going. Yesterday was a great day for her in the fact that all of the medications they were using to help her keep a blood pressure were able to be weaned off. She remained sedated and ventilated and the waiting game had begun to see when it was safe to evaluate how mentally and physically intact she would be after all that she had been through. There was high level of concern of what would be neurologically intact and left of her mentally after all that had happened. I found out yesterday that when they had coded her it lasted for 1 1/2 hours. Everyone has been very anxious to see what a cat scan could reveal as to what level of brain damage could have occured, but she has not been medically stable enough to leave the unit for the test. the bedside they did a neuro exam to see if some sort of baseline could be established. Basically they weaned off sedation and in a very short amount of time she started to wake up, she opened her eyes and followed some very basic commands (blinking, subtle movements to commands, looking around). WOW....I was not there to see it....but from what I hear even some of the staff who rarely if ever show emotion were brought to tears!! I was ELATED to say the least to hear this news. The coming days will give a more definitive picture of the future for this woman. I hope to God next week when I go back to work I can go see her and see her surrounded by her 3 little babies and her husband and tell her how many people were pulling and praying for her!! I'll let you know!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!